Monday, July 28, 2008

Another update wow

OK, so yeah I have totally not been paying attention to this site, shame on me.
Decided I needed to sit down and do a sort of update and maybe edit some recent photo's that I have taken to post as well.
Been busy I suppose, life sometimes does get in the way. Sometimes I just don't feel like it also
I have been taking a lot of photo's as always, some good, some plain crap LOL
This past month we bought a new camera for me to go more towards the pro side of what I really want to be doing and I have been just loving it.
Learning so much on how to use the new DSLR and just loving taking pictures with it.
Now am looking at a new zoom lens as well for it. Thai is a must pf course.
Well, that is all for now, will post some pictures later