Well again I have not posted for a very very long time.
This is an update of the wonderful happenings of late.
I entered an art show in Chicago and two of my photographs were chosen to be in their exhibit!!! Pretty exciting yes indeed. The art show was sponsored by the Guild for the Blind in Chicago and took place May 13-21st
I submitted five photos and was thrilled to have two selected to be part of Passionate Focus. On top of that my Alcatraz Imprisoned won best of show. How exciting is that??
So on Thursday May 13th I flew to Chicago and was joined by two wonderful friends to share my excitement. Lorna whom I have known for ooooh 45 years about and Terri my dear friend from California along with Susan and Dan from Washington!! Susan's artwork was also shown.
During the show we were interviewed and here is link for that.
Well there will be more to follow on this but for now... ttfn
Sacramento River...In Redding
I know it's been a while, but I was on vacation...first New York then
Redding. (Crazy, I know!) Redding is where I took this picture of the
Sacramento River!
16 years ago